In this article, we will explore three international SEO case studies from Europe. These real-life success stories are based on my experience as a multilingual SEO specialist and highlight the impact of international SEO services on global business expansion:
  • Growth of an International Adventure Tours Company: Learn how an adventure tours company used European SEO strategies to expand its reach across various European countries.
  • Expansion of a US Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform into French-speaking Markets: Explore the journey of a fast-growing US SaaS platform as it successfully entered French-speaking markets using effective French SEO strategies.
  • Overcoming Keyword Cannibalisation for a Chinese Mechanical Component Engineering Company: Follow the story of a Chinese mechanical component engineering company that overcame keyword cannibalisation challenges through a comprehensive Italian SEO approach, resulting in improved online visibility and higher conversion rates.
International SEO Services | GasOn Marketing

Three SEO Case Studies

International SEO Case Study: European SEO Campaign for Adventure Tours Company

Italian, French, and European SEO Case Studies | SEO in Europe

International SEO Case Study in Europe

European SEO Project Overview

An adventure tours company aimed to expand its customer base in Europe and engaged my services as a freelance European SEO manager to develop a comprehensive strategy.

SEO Challenges Faced in Europe

  • Improve Search Engine Rankings: Achieve higher rankings for “adventure travel” related keywords across Europe.
  • Increase Organic Traffic: Drive more organic traffic from key European markets like Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.
  • Enhance Brand Visibility: Improve brand recognition and presence in European markets.

European SEO Strategy and Implementation

To address these challenges, I formulated and executed a comprehensive strategy, leveraging European SEO services, which involved the following steps:

  • Multilingual Keyword Research: Conducted extensive keyword research in multiple European languages.
  • Content Localisation: Collaborated with multilingual copywriters to create culturally relevant content.
  • Geotargeting and Hreflang Tags: Implemented geotargeting and hreflang tags to serve the right content to local audiences.
  • European Link Building: Acquired backlinks from reputable European websites and travel blogs.
  • Local Citations: Listed physical offices and tour locations in local directories.

European SEO results

The results of this European SEO campaign were:

  • Organic Traffic Surge: Achieved a 35% increase in organic traffic from European countries within six months.
  • Higher Rankings in Local SERPs: Secured top positions for “adventure travel” related keywords in the most important European markets.
  • Improved Brand Recognition: Enhanced brand visibility and trust across Europe.

Added Value: Leveraging International SEO Services for European Success

This SEO case study underscores the significance of crafting SEO content in multiple languages, which was instrumental in the success of this European SEO campaign. Collaborating closely with native-speaking SEO copywriters proficient in various European languages ensured that the content effectively resonated with each market’s unique cultural nuances. This collaborative approach played a critical role in executing effective international SEO strategies. As a result, the client emerged as a prominent adventure tours company in Europe, solidifying their brand presence and experiencing a substantial surge in organic traffic from key European markets.

French SEO Case Study: Scaling a US SaaS Platform in French-Speaking Markets

French SEO Case Study | SEO in France

French SEO Case Study

French SEO Project Overview

A successful US-based Software as a Service (SaaS) platform partnered with me, as a seasoned French SEO freelancer, to expand into French-speaking markets in collaboration with their in-house SEO manager.

SEO Challenges Faced in French-Speaking Markets

  • Adapting the platform’s content to resonate with the French-speaking audience while ensuring cultural relevance and maintaining brand consistency.
  • Conducting thorough keyword research and optimisation for the French audience.
  • Creating captivating French content and developing a social media optimisation strategy to foster a sense of community around the brand.
  • Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable French websites to enhance the platform’s authority.
  • Ensuring the platform’s mobile-friendliness to cater to the significant portion of mobile users.

French SEO Strategy and Implementation

To address these challenges, we developed and implemented the following strategy, leveraging French SEO services:

  • French Keyword Research: Conducted in-depth international keyword research to identify relevant search phrases used by the French-speaking audience, informing the optimisation of the platform’s content to align with the most relevant search queries.
  • Localisation of Website Content: Localised the website content, including product descriptions and landing pages, to resonate with the French audience’s cultural norms and preferences.
  • French Social Media Engagement: Executed a comprehensive social media optimisation strategy with captivating French content, targeted ad campaigns, and active community engagement to increase website traffic, enhance brand awareness, and foster customer loyalty.
  • France-Specific Backlink Building: Conducted outreach campaigns, collaborated with influencers, and engaged in guest posting to secure valuable backlinks from reputable French websites, enhancing the platform’s authority in the target markets.
  • French Mobile Optimisation: Ensured a seamless user experience across various mobile devices, resulting in improved search rankings on mobile search engines.

French SEO Results

The results of this French SEO campaign were:

  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: Optimised content and targeted keywords resulted in higher search engine rankings, not only in France but also in Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, and Switzerland, boosting visibility and organic traffic.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility and Recognition: Engaging social media content in French improved brand visibility and fostered loyalty among the French-speaking audience.
  • Strengthened Authority with Valuable Backlinks: Outreach campaigns and influencer collaborations secured valuable backlinks from reputable French websites, enhancing SEO authority and credibility.
  • Seamless Mobile Experience and Higher Conversions: Mobile optimisation improved user satisfaction and increased conversion rates.

Added Value: Harnessing International SEO Services for Expansion in French-Speaking Markets

The client’s SaaS platform achieved successful expansion not only in France but also across all French-speaking markets. Through a comprehensive approach and collaborative efforts, including content localisation, targeted SEO, social media optimisation, backlink building, and mobile optimisation, the platform gained the trust of the French-speaking audience. The support of international SEO services played a key role in establishing a strong foundation for continued growth and success in French-speaking markets and beyond.

B2B SEO Case Study: Revitalising Italian SEO Strategy for a Chinese Mechanical Component Engineering Company

Italian SEO Case Study | SEO in Italy

B2B SEO Case Study in Italy

Italian B2B SEO Services Project Overview

A leading Chinese engineering company specialising in mechanical components faced significant challenges with their Italian SEO efforts. Despite their expertise and reputation in the engineering industry, their online visibility and organic traffic in the Italian market were subpar. To address these issues, the client collaborated with their marketing agency, which sought my expertise as an Italian SEO specialist to tackle the keyword cannibalisation and keyword intent optimisation issues, as well as implement region-specific SEO techniques.

SEO Challenges Faced in Italy

  • Keyword Cannibalisation: Multiple pages unintentionally competed for the same transactional keywords, leading to diluted relevance and hindered search engine rankings.
  • Ineffective Keyword Intent Optimisation: The lack of alignment with the search intent of Italian users resulted in poor click-through rates and high bounce rates, affecting overall SEO performance.
  • Limited Informational Keywords for SEO: Relying primarily on transactional keywords limited the website’s ability to address users’ informational needs and establish authority in the industry.
  • Lack of Region-Specific SEO Techniques: The website lacked tailored strategies to engage effectively with the Italian audience, hindering meaningful connections and market penetration.

B2B SEO Strategy and Implementation

To overcome these challenges, the client’s agency and I collaborated to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy, making use of Italian B2B SEO services.

  • URL and Keyword Mapping: Conducted mapping to enhance the website’s organisation, ensuring each page had a clear purpose and focused keyword intent.
  • Keyword Research and Analysis: Conducted comprehensive keyword research to identify high-impact informational, navigational and commercial Italian keywords.
  • Content Optimisation and Intent Alignment: Revamped existing content to not only align with the transactional search intent of Italian users but also to integrate relevant informational, navigational, and commercial keywords.
  • Site Structure and Navigation: Restructured the website and optimised navigation to reduce keyword cannibalisation and enhance user experience.
  • Region-Specific B2B SEO Techniques: Implemented B2B SEO strategies such as partner outreach and link building to target and engage business and engineering audiences in Italy.

B2B Italian SEO Results

The results of this Italian SEO campaign were:

  • Improved Website Organisation: Clear purpose and focused keyword intent for each page.
  • Drastic Reduction in Keyword Cannibalisation: Clearer and higher search engine rankings for targeted keywords.
  • Enhanced Keyword Intent Optimisation: Improved click-through rates and reduced bounce rates, signaling content relevance to users’ queries.
  • Increased Organic Traffic from Italy: Implementation of region-specific SEO techniques attracted a broader Italian audience.
  • Expanded Reach with Informational Keywords: Broader audience engagement through valuable content.

Added Value: Resolving Keyword Cannibalisation and Enhancing Italian B2B SEO

By tackling the challenges of keyword cannibalisation, optimising keyword intent, and implementing B2B SEO services, we revitalised the Italian SEO strategy for this Chinese engineering client. Collaborating closely with the client’s marketing agency and leveraging my expertise as an international SEO specialist, we significantly enhanced their online presence, contributing to their success in the Italian market. This case study stands as a compelling example of effective B2B SEO in Italy.

Expanding Global Reach with Multilingual SEO Services

This article explores SEO case studies from Europe, highlighting the unique benefits of multilingual SEO services. For more information, check out this international marketing infographics showcasing Italian and French content marketing and SEO examples. You can also learn about GasOn Marketing’s freelance international SEO services and SEO packages. Ready to dive deeper? Schedule a free discovery call or provide your website details through Calendly for a complimentary SEO audit.

SEO Case Studies: Exploring the Nuances of European, Italian, and French SEO – FAQ

What makes European SEO services unique?

European SEO services stand out due to the continent’s linguistic, cultural, and market diversity. Key aspects include multilingual diversity, precise hreflang implementation, cultural sensitivity, considerations for religious diversity, inclusion of country-specific search engines, management of currency and payment options, and adaptation to seasonal variations in consumer behaviour.

What sets French SEO services apart from others?

French SEO services are characterised by their nuanced approach tailored to the linguistic and cultural diversity within French-speaking regions. One significant aspect is the adaptation of content and keywords to suit various dialects and cultural differences present across regions like France, Canada, Belgium, and others. Moreover, the correct implementation of hreflang tags is crucial to signal language and regional preferences, ensuring users access the most relevant website version. Considering accents and special characters in keyword research further refines search queries. Cultural sensitivity plays a pivotal role, guiding the appropriate use of language formality and tone to resonate with French audiences effectively. Crafting high-quality content involves impeccable language standards, storytelling elements, addressing local concerns, and collaborating with local experts for enhanced credibility and engagement. These distinctive characteristics underscore the complexity and depth of French SEO strategies.

What are the peculiarities of Italian SEO services?

Italian SEO services encompass unique considerations crucial for effective engagement with Italian audiences. One key aspect is optimising content to cater to the linguistic diversity across Italian-speaking regions. While prioritising standard Italian in formal contexts, acknowledging regional dialects and expressions during keyword research is vital. Implementation of hreflang tags, especially considering Italian as a minority language in neighbouring countries like Switzerland, Slovenia, and Croatia, further refines targeting. Italian keyword research nuances, such as the prevalence of infinitive verbs and region-specific terms, demand meticulous attention for comprehensive SEO strategies. Cultural sensitivity, respecting traditions, and highlighting Italy’s rich heritage in content creation foster deeper connections with Italian audiences. Crafting high-quality content with engaging narratives and visual appeal enhances user experience and boosts SEO effectiveness in Italy.

What are the limitations of AI-powered keyword research tools for Italian and French keyword research?

AI-powered keyword research tools offer valuable insights into high-volume, low-competition keywords, facilitating effective multilingual PPC and SEO campaigns. However, these tools may struggle to grasp the nuanced cultural and linguistic contexts of languages like French and Italian, impacting the accuracy of results. Understanding the intricacies of each language is vital for precise targeting. For instance, in French, using “mutuelle santé” instead of “assurance santé” for health insurance can better resonate with specific audiences. Similarly, in Italian, accounting for articles and infinitive verbs significantly influences keyword effectiveness. Combining AI technology with human expertise ensures nuanced keyword targeting and resonant content creation tailored to diverse linguistic and cultural nuances.

Meet the Author: Catherine Gason, International Marketing & SEO Consultant

Catherine Gason | Freelance Marketing & International SEO Consultant
Catherine Gason is a freelance multilingual marketing and international SEO consultant. Fluent in French, English, and Italian, she excels in developing data-driven global web campaigns that account for local nuances and adapt across diverse platforms seamlessly. Whether collaborating with agencies, clients’ internal teams and external partners, or leveraging her extensive network of specialists, she crafts customised digital marketing strategies and executes integrated communication campaigns tailored to specific markets, cultures, and languages on a global scale. Additionally, her expertise in SEO led her to create the "International SEO Consultant" website, where she delves into the intricacies of global search engine optimisation.