Multilingual Digital Marketing Strategist

Think Globally, Act Locally on the Web

As an international digital marketing strategist, my expertise lies in creating tailored digital marketing strategies that align with a company’s unique identity and have a global impact. If you aren’t achieving the results you hoped for with your current strategy, I am here to assist you in finding ways to enhance it.

Multilingual Digital Marketing Strategist | GasOn Marketing

Drive Demand, Generate Leads and Increase International Sales

Crafting a thriving digital strategy begins with laying a strong foundation and implementing strategic tactics and operations within it. The GasOn Marketing approach is anchored in proven methodologies structured around key components of web communication, including: 

  • Identifying the brand’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and UVP (Unique Value Proposition) to create a well-structured positioning and differentiation message.
  • Creating buyer personas to focus on the right products and messages, in the right place and at the right time.
  • Defining the brand identity kit, which includes elements beyond the name, logo, and brand book, to showcase a unique brand experience that sets the company apart from others.
  • Mapping the customer’s buying journey and marketing funnel to attract new leads and guide them through a series of stages, from initial awareness to post-sale advocacy.
  • Designing a multilingual content marketing strategy that appeals to prospects and search engines, improving international SEO results and organic web traffic.
  • Developing natural and effective promotional campaigns with targeted messaging for both organic promotion and international PPC advertising.
  • Tracking website, social media, and email campaign reach, measuring results in terms of sales, inquiries, and qualified leads.
Multilingual Digital Marketing Strategist | Catherine Gason

International Digital Strategist with Analytical Skills and an Entrepreneurial Mindset

As a seasoned freelance digital strategist, I possess the analytical skills and entrepreneurial mindset needed to craft impactful web marketing strategies in English, French, and Italian. By combining my international expertise with technological know-how, I create powerful and cost-effective multilingual communication strategies that address specific gaps and capitalise on opportunities.

Use the GasOn Marketing Digital Strategy Framework

Enhance your global presence with comprehensive web marketing strategies tailored to your target audiences. In addition to offering international marketing consultancy and support services, I provide engaging digital marketing workshops characterised by clear, practical, and concise content.

Catherine is a highly qualified professional. She helped us rethink our company’s digital marketing strategy, especially on our social media. I highly recommend her for getting great results in no time.

Alessia Fioranzi

Sales & Marketing Manager, TECNOVIDEO

Catherine Gason is a versatile, flexible and creative marketing freelancer. She brings both technical and organizational know-how, and her extraordinary ability to execute directly impacts the performance of our clients’ campaigns.
International Digital Marketing Agency

Discover How Catherine Gason, International Digital Marketing Strategist, Can Assist – FAQ

GasOn Marketing Icon | International Multilingual SEO Packages

Why do you need an international digital marketing strategist?

In the digital era, the internet is by far the most popular place people search when they need a particular product or service. Having an international digital marketing strategist will maximise your online presence and ensure that potential customers find your business on a global scale. However, with such a wide range of digital marketing tools at your disposal, it can be difficult to know where to start. The most important thing is to avoid a broad-brush approach and take the time to carefully consider the right tools and approach for your company. This combination will be unique to you, as it will depend on and need to align with your business objectives, target audience and competition, among other things. Setting out a clear and coherent strategy with the help of an international digital strategist will help you optimise your marketing campaigns and see maximum ROI.

GasOn Marketing Icon | Top-Rated Digital Marketing & International SEO Freelancer

What makes a good digital marketing strategy?

With so many digital marketing options, it can be hard to pinpoint the best approach for your business. To make this important decision easier, consider what a marketing strategy aims to achieve. Simply put, the goal is to broaden your brand awareness, build trust with your target audience and, ultimately, increase sales. To develop a good digital marketing strategy, you will first need to determine exactly who you want to reach by creating buyer personas. You can’t please everybody, so don’t waste time and money trying to achieve the impossible! Next, you will need to show your ideal customers why they should choose you. The best way to do this is to anticipate their pain points and show them how you will solve them. Then, you will need consistent and coherent marketing campaigns to communicate this unique selling proposition (USP) through a variety of mediums. Your campaign should be based on a coherent and comprehensive approach, with measurable results so you can make the necessary adjustments.
Multilingual Funnel Marketing & Automation | GasOn Marketing

What is a digital marketing funnel?

A digital marketing funnel, often referred to simply as a marketing funnel or sales funnel, is a conceptual framework that outlines the stages a customer goes through before and after making a purchase online. It begins with awareness, where the aim is to attract attention through channels like social media and SEO. Then comes interest, where engaging content informs and educates about your offerings. Consideration follows, during which potential customers compare options and seek more information. The conversion stage is where the actual sale or desired action occurs. Afterward, retention efforts focus on keeping customers satisfied and encouraging repeat business. Finally, advocacy involves turning satisfied customers into brand advocates who promote your products or services. By optimising each stage, businesses can effectively attract, engage, and convert leads to drive growth and revenue.
GasOn Marketing Icon | Customised Digital Marketing & International SEO Services

What international marketing consultancy services does Catherine Gason offer, and how do they operate?

Catherine Gason is an experienced international marketing consultant specialising in tailored global expansion and international SEO strategies. She currently offers businesses comprehensive consultancy and coaching services. Through her GasOn Power Hour consultancy sessions, she helps organisations implement customised and integrated web marketing techniques. These strategies and techniques are designed to enable brands to drive sales and manage day-to-day operations more effectively. They ensure brands achieve global reach with a local appeal, in line with their objectives. Clients can easily initiate the process by selecting a date and time for their session. Following the session, clients receive a detailed report containing key discussion points and Catherine’s recommendations. This presents clients with actionable insights for their future international marketing efforts.

Multilingual International Marketing Consultant | Catherine Gason

Multilingual and International Digital Marketing Strategist Freelance: Get the Help You Need Every Step of the Way

Schedule an international marketing consultation with me to gain exclusive insights into the highly effective techniques employed by global companies and marketing agencies. If you are unsure where to begin, reserve a free discovery call, and let’s discuss how I can help enhance your international outreach to achieve your business objectives.